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Thank You

So many years ... So many people to thank ... And we're not done yet!


"Thank You" to the people and organizations who've given the money or the goods and services to run this festival.

"Thank You" to more than 40 years of volunteers. None of this happens without you.

"Thank You" to everyone who's bought a ticket, sat in the audience and joined in. You're why we do this. 

"Thank You" to the artists - the musicians, singers, songwriters, dancers, storytellers, and crafters. Just "thank you."

"Thank You" to the businesses who've supported us along the way, purchasing ads and saying yes when we need help.

"Thank You" to SCAC. They've given us a festival site that's everything we could want.


Together, we've created something pretty extraordinary.  Thank you. 

Why give to the Shawano Folk Music Festival? 

Because it keeps the music alive. Your gift, no matter how big or how small, combines with the gifts of many others and makes the festival happen. It pays for musicians, sound crews, renting the tents that house the music during the day, and the electricity that runs the theater for the evening concerts. It pays for printing, postage, advertising and the website you're reading right now. It helps feed the musicians. It buys paper, paper clips and all the other little things we need. What it doesn't pay for is the festival planning committee and all the festival workers. We're happy volunteers and don't get paid (and many of us are donors as well). Don't feel a gift has to be big to be important.  Any gift is important, the tiny ones and the big ones.

Please consider being a festival donor. The music needs you.


To donate now, click on the link below. It will take you to our page on the Ludus site. Then click on "Donate" at the top of the page. 


2023 Donors

Judith Adler, in honor of Den Adler

Ron & Lisa Alexander

Buss Chevrolet
Emma Czarapata
Lynn Daczyk, in honor of U.S. Veterans
Cary Fellman

Sue and Kevin Gerarden
Mary Jane Grabowski, in honor of John Grabowski
Charlie & Debbie Harvey

Barbara Heins
Henn Family Fund

Barbara Hoye
Gloria Jaeger, in honor of Great Music
Ron Klatt, in honor of Barbara Westhofen
Gary Kopitzke
Phil and Bonnie Lemmens

Tom Martinsen, in honor of Karen & Tom Martinsen

Michelangelo's Coffee House



James Olson, in honor of Ellie Olson

Jim & Sue Petru, in honor of Dori Jerger & Wayne Czypinski

Kazuko Rand

Tod Roush

Dean Sauers & Mary Swifka

Loretta Sawyer

Pat & Mike Schwenke

Theresa & Tim Schoessow

Margaret Skinner, in honor of Ron Dennis

Linda Smith, in honor of Peg Harthun, who has attended the Festival for 45 years

Su Staron

Swedberg Funeral Home

Mary Strauss

Steve & Nancy Thompson

Ann and Bob Van Grinsven

Voyageurs Bakehouse

And the Donors who choose to remain Anonymous




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